Friday, August 17, 2018

The Breach

         I drempt I was in the middle of the ocean, standing on an empty barge.  I heard a man yell then he disappeared into the belly of the ship. I remain there staring out to sea as the earth shook around me. As I looked up I saw the sun was falling, but there was no time. Only momentary fear, a flash of light, followed by complete darkness. There was a sound that washed everything away. A sound so beautiful that nothing dare remain. It was the sound of the sun sinking into the ocean. Though my eyes were closed, I closed them again, and this is where the dream ended. In darkness. When I awoke, I awoke happy, still holding onto that sound. I never understood why that was, and I would never attempted to decipher it. The feeling is too precious to lose  to reason. I can still hear that sound but only when I close my eyes. It extinguished all life, but there I had remained. To witness the last breath of mother earth, deep, dark and calm.

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